
Take a picture to translate
Take a picture to translate

take a picture to translate take a picture to translate

The good news is that if you “ use Google Translate to find an equivalent word in a foreign language, it is possible to translate the content of an image directly” … In other words, to translate the text on a photo. In concrete terms, in a professional situation, while travelling or doing research, you will regularly need a little help to decipher and understand a message written in another language. This tool is based on and coupled with several technologies, including Text To Speech.ĭiscover Authôt Live Translating the text on a photo In order to translate the text present in a photo, as indicated by, you can for example use the Google Translation tool. Whether you are a media organisation or a company, you may be wondering how you can save time on this task. In fact, it is common for texts to be present in photos. Texts taken from books, texts from web pages, specific documents… And in particular, for example, for texts taken from photos, captions, handwriting. These translation tools, methods and procedures apply to all texts. Means that respond to different translation cases. Not only are there an impressive number of foreign languages – with all the subtleties that this entails – but there are more and more ways of translating them. To begin with, it is important to understand that translation is a complex and varied field. It’s a technique that can save you a lot of time in understanding some foreign messages! Translation use cases Today, we’re sharing a thought-provoking article/tutorial on why and how to translate a photo – the text in a photo – with the Google Translation tool. In addition, we recently discussed the development of live foreign language courses… The field of translation is constantly being refined and adapted to different situations. We focused on the translator profession and saw how Amazon’s Alexa is interfering with the translation process. Translation is a topic close to our hearts.

Take a picture to translate